24887 Search Results for
  • New Labour, new approach to tax?

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    Mark Nichols looks at the first few weeks of the new Labour government One of the key themes to arise out of Gordon Brown's first Budget is the attitude of the Labour government to tax avoidance. The last...
  • Will a local authority be held liable for advising that works can proceed if it turns out that the advice was wrong?

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    This is another point that comes before the court on a fairly regular basis and did so recently in the case of Lambert v West Devon Borough Council (1997). A senior building control officer of the authority...
  • Banking and investment services: Electronic payment instruments recommendation

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    In what appears to be the first step leading to a new Directive, the Commission has published a non-binding Recommendation addressed to Member States and issuers of electronic payment instruments setting...
  • Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    The Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997 arose from a private members bill and was passed a few weeks before the election. It has not yet come into force. The Act imposes a duty upon local authorities, at...
  • Insurance: P&I clubs under scrutiny

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    The Commission has sent an official statement of objections to the International Group of P&I Clubs, claiming that some of their arrangements unlawfully restrict competition and deny ship owners a...
  • Banking and investment services: Bilateral exchange rates for EMU

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    While commentators in the UK muse over whether EMU will happen, whether it will happen on time, whether it will work and what the UK government should do, movement towards EMU carries on relentlessly....
  • Consumer protection and internal market: Ban on tobacco advertising?

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    Ban on tobacco advertising? Opposition among European governments to an EU-wide ban on tobacco advertising seems to be fading following Luxembourg's compromise text. The Proposal has met serious opposition...
  • Amendment of patents

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    You can amend a patent, even if the attack on validity is withdrawn In Lars Eric Norling -v- Eez-Away (UK) the Court held that, even though the defendants had withdrawn an attack on validity, once validity...
  • Insurance: State aid to GAN

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    The Commission has allowed a State aid injection of ECU 15.7bn (£23bn) in return for the restructuring of the State-owned French insurance group GAN. The Commission has demanded that the French government:...
  • Competition and trade law: EU customs deal with Turkey

    United Kingdom 18.02.1998
    EU customs deal with Turkey Strains have emerged in the customs agreement between Turkey and the EU. Turkey thinks that the Union has not fulfilled its responsibilities under the agreement which came into...