The Swedish government proposes increased excise tax on gambling from 18 to 22 percent


In connection with the introduction of a license system for certain gambling services in Sweden in the Gambling Act (2018:1138) on 1 January 2019, the Act on Gambling Tax (2018:1139) was introduced. Pursuant to the Act on Gambling Tax, gambling tax must be paid to the Swedish state for such licensed gambling that is provided by a license holder under the Gambling Act.

The gambling tax that must be paid by a license holder amounts to 18 percent of the balance for one taxation period, i.e. one calendar month. The balance for a taxation period is calculated as the difference between the total stakes and the total pay-outs to the players.

The Swedish government has announced in the budget bill for the year 2024 (prop. 2023/24:1), that the tax on gambling should be increased to 22 percent. The government states in the bill that an increase in the tax on gambling should be well balanced to avoid a major negative impact on the proportion of gambling that takes place with the companies that have a license for gambling in Sweden. The government states that the increase from 18 to 22 percent is considered suitable to strengthen the financing of government activities, without it leading to a too large impact on the companies and the size of the tax base. The amendment is proposed to enter into force on 1 July 2024.