Romania launches 5G tender


On 19 September 2022, the Romanian communications regulator (ANCOM) launched an auction for the granting of licences for the use of radio frequencies in the 700 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz and 2400-3800 MHz bandwidths.

Interested telecom operators can submit their candidature no later than 27 October 2022. Candidatures will be analysed and the shortlisted candidates, which will move through to the next round, should be announced by 31 October 2022.

Depending on the number of qualified candidates, ANCOM will announce on 4 November 2022 whether a tender phase is necessary. If necessary, the auction per se is not likely to start earlier than 8 November 2022.

An interested party can obtain tender documentation from ANCOM subject to payment of a EUR 1,000 administrative fee. Interested candidates must prove inter alia that they had at least EUR 10 m in turnover during the previous year (or subscribed and paid share capital of at least EUR 1 m).

The winning bidder or bidders will need to undertake broadband service coverage obligations for at least 70% of the population, including the majority of urban areas, highways, international airports and modernised railways, as well as 480 towns that have been identified as experiencing poor coverage by current mobile communication services.

For telecom operators new to the Romanian market, the deadline for meeting the coverage obligations (as a percentage of the population) is eight years from entry into force of the licence. Other conditions and obligations also apply.

The starting price for all of the auctioned spectrum licences is EUR 693 m.

For more information on this auction and the Romanian telecommunication sector, contact your CMS client partner or local CMS expert Cristina Popescu.