The Committee of the Council of Ministers for Digitisation adopted the "Policy for the development of artificial intelligence in Poland"


“Policy for the development of artificial intelligence in Poland” is a document that supports and complements other documents concerning AI adopted by Poland, including Strategy for Responsible Development, Coordinated Plan of the European Commission for the development of artificial intelligence in the European Union, as well as the work of international organisations, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This document is part of the planned new Polish Strategy Productivity and the Modern State 2030 Strategy.

The document defines the actions and goals for Poland in the short-term (until 2023), medium-term (until 2027) and long-term (after 2027) perspective.

According to the “Policy for the development of artificial intelligence in Poland”, these goals may be divided into six areas:

  • AI and society - activities that are to make Poland one of the largest beneficiaries of the data-based economy, and a society aware of the need to constantly improve digital competence;
  • AI and innovative companies - support for Polish AI enterprises, including creating financing mechanisms for their development, increasing the quantity orders, cooperation of start-ups with the government and new, pro-development regulations (sandboxes);
  • AI and science - supporting Polish scientific and research community in designing interdisciplinary challenges or solutions in the field of AI, including activities aimed at preparing the staff of AI experts;
  • AI and education - activities from primary education up to the university level - course programmes for people at risk of losing their job as a result of progressive automation and implementation of new technologies, educational grants.
  • AI and international cooperation - activities to support Polish business in the field of AI and the development of AI technology with respect for human dignity and fundamental rights in line with Union European standards and OECD;
  • AI and the public sector - support for the public sector in the implementation of orders for AI, better coordination of activities and further development of programmes such as GovTech Polska. Other tools will be the so-called “trust data” (i.e. initiatives in trusted data spaces), Government Computing, and opening and making these data available for citizens and companies.

The document specifies the requirements and conditions for the use of AI in Poland, which cover all phases - from designing solutions, through research, development, implementation, application and use, to taking out of the market.

The “Policy for the development of artificial intelligence in Poland” also provides for the creation, within the structures of the Polish government, of a coordination centre at the Ministry of Digitisation. The task of this centre will be to monitor the implementation of AI policy in Poland, as well as to coordinate the activities of partners.

The centre will also be responsible for coordination of the dispersed sources of financing of the AI in the state budget, aid programmes, including the European Union, as well as investment funds in order to dedicate funds to research, development and investments for the development of artificial intelligence in Poland.

After being approved by the Committee of the Council of Ministers for Digitisation, the document will be forwarded for further legislative work in the upcoming days. Its adoption by the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers in Poland is planned at the turn of September and October 2020.