More transparency in services of general interest

United Kingdom

The Commission has published a notice inviting interested parties to submit their observations on the draft directive amending Directive 80/723/EEC on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings. The aim of the amending directive is to ensure that financial relations between public authorities and public undertakings are transparent.

The need for reform is said to stem from the opening up to competition of various sectors of the economy which have traditionally been characterised by the existence of national, regional or local monopolies. In order to guarantee a fair and effective application of competition rules in these sectors, Member States are required to ensure that the relevant undertakings provide detailed and reliable data about their internal organisation, in particular through separate accounts relating to the different activities carried on by separate undertakings.

Enterprises with a total net turnover of less than EUR 40 million are exempted from the obligation to maintain separate accounts, owing to the limited potential impact they have on competition. Similarly, services whose supply is not liable to affect trade between Member States to an appreciable extent are also excluded from the scope of the draft directive, as well as undertakings having obtained special or exclusive rights pursuant to Article 86(2) of the Treaty, following an open, transparent and non-discriminatory procedure. (OJ C 377, 29/12/99)