Off-shore – first zoning plan for Polish maritime areas


As the first Polish offshore wind projects have recently gained new momentum, it should be noted that since mid-2016 a draft of Poland’s first ever zoning plan for the maritime areas (the “Plan”) has been in development. The Plan covers areas of the Polish exclusive economic zone, territorial sea and the majority of internal waters including the internal waters of the Bay of Gdansk.

According to the Act on maritime areas of the Republic of Poland and marine administration (the “Act”), the erection and exploitation of offshore windfarms in territorial sea and internal waters is forbidden. The Plan is to determine, among other things, the areas and conditions for the production of renewable energy – in accordance with the abovementioned limitations – and prospection, exploration and extraction of mineral deposits.

The stage of submitting remarks and applications to the Plan has finished and the list of such remarks and applications will be publicly available until the Plan is made available for public viewing.

According to an internal schedule, which is not binding, the Plan is to be finalised and adopted in the course of 2019.